Exactly one year ago today I decided to start a blog of my own. I never imagined that I would make so many new friends from all around the world and I wish I could someday get to meet you all in person, what a wonderful time we would have!

Christmas day arrived and even though there were a few "Kath & Kim" moments we had a fantastic day. This is the only photo I took (slack I know). Kellie's job was to bring the ham and because she had to work until 5 in the morning, she slept in and didn't make it till lunch was nearly over. The Plum Pudding turned out well and my father told me that I have the job of making it from now on - don't know whether that's good or bad? This year we finally decided to do Kris Kringle and everyone seemed quite happy with it except for Nicholas (the middle child, need I say more?). He still thought he would be getting a present from his mum and dad and was devastated when he realised this wasn't the case - he is 24 years old!!! I think these little stories are what makes each Christmas special and gives us a laugh when looking back in years to come.

The flooding has gone and the heat has set in and Buddy is bedding down for the duration. I am not quite sure why he has started sleeping with his tongue poking out but it does look pretty cute.
I have cut out and stuck down all of the 48 star flowers for Swan Lake!!!
Here she is laid out on the floor and is now starting to look like a quilt - I am getting a little bit excited!!!
I have also stitched two more rows of clamshells. It has been a stressful couple of months and this little quilt has been there to let me feel peace and calm whenever I start stitching.
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year with lots of health, wealth and happiness for 2011!
Sue-Anne xxx